
Long time no see, I guess this blog is kind of dead. 

So what do you think of my new blog name? I totally dig it (*hairflip*) (wow I just realized I can't do a hairflip with my buzz cut, how ironic), and I think it fits the entire mood of my blog a little bit better. You know, buzz cuts, impulsive decisions, moody teenagers, bla bla bla. I can't believe you aren't tired of this yet. 

In grand tradition (lol this is only the second year I'm doing this) of Summer approaching I decided to post my Summer vibes! It's more of a personal Summer moodboard/things I want to do/what I want my summer to look like, so maybe you like it and maybe you don't. Who knows? Nobody cares right? Quick note: I've been feeling very existential lately. While writing this I realize this is absolutely useless, and the universe doesn't care at all. I think I should just stop thinking and focus on my exams. 

Exams suck. You're longing for Summer (see where that title came from, huh) and it's within reach, but first you have to study in a sweaty room for two weeks so you feel like you've earned it.


During Summer I always feel particulary bored, lazy and moody. I blame it on my neighbourhood, which is pretty dead during summer. It feels like everything is moving in slow motion. When you're walking on the hot pavement it seems like the only thing you hear are your shoes touching the ground. Plants and trees move slowly, cars drive around like they don't have a purpose, people are always cleaning their driveway or washing their car. Being a teenager in such a place is frustrating, and it forces you to think and makes your body feel like it has to do something or else you will explode. Also, dry grass making your legs feel itchy totally fits this mood.

Picture from an old National Geographic issue, Petra Collins.
Leonardo Dicaprio, unknown via Tumblr (I think?).
Suburban homes via DOCUMERICA, unknown via Rookiemag.
Unknown by Petra Collins, unknown via Tumblr.
 Unknown by Mayan Toledano, unknown via Tumblr.
 Rookiemag eyecandy (I think)
Unknown via Tumblr.
Both unknown via Tumblr.
Petra Collins and eye candy via Rookiemag.
via aliceroxy on Tumblr.
Unknown, Rowan Blanchard in Rodarte.
Leonardo Dicaprio, unknown.
Both unknown.
Both unknown.


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